This week at Hacton will be our MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) week. Early Years children will be completing activities together as a Phase.
Each day the children will be learning about a different European country, so learning practically about the food, some simple vocabulary, artwork, landmarks and flags.
They will learn about Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece and France.
Each day the children will move from the Reception to Nursery and work with all of the adults in Early Years to take part in a wide range of activities.
On Friday, the children will dress in the red, white and blue of the French flag and attend the French cafe run by the Year 6 children.
Also, on Friday, the children will be creating a piece of artwork together by a French artist.
The Reception children will learn about Claude Monet and the Nursery will look at the work of George Seurat. This is linked to the Art initiative called 'Take one picture.'
This promises to be a week full of fun!