Welcome to the last term of the academic year - time is flying by!
In Reception this week we will be starting our new topic focused on the story 'Billy's Bucket' by Kes Gray and Garry Parsons.
In Reception this week we will be starting our new topic focused on the story 'Billy's Bucket' by Kes Gray and Garry Parsons.
In Literacy, the children will have the opportunity to hear the story and discuss it as a whole class.
In Phonics, we will be recapping all previous sounds learnt but focusing on the digraphs 'oo' (long sound) and 'ar'.
In Maths, we will continue to count in 5's and 10's as well as introduce the concept of capacity. We will discuss what this means with the children and do some practical measuring outside as well as some written recording.
The children will be continuing their Guided Reading sessions this week. The children will spend Friday morning completing a rotation of different activities in their class which range from guided reading, guided writing, independent reading & phonics activities.