In Reception this week we will be continuing focusing on the story 'The Bog Baby'.
In Literacy, the children will re-listen to the story The Bog Baby and discuss key features of the story. They will have the opportunity to listen to other traditional tales focusing on the language used in them as well. The children will then write their own story about their bog baby.
In Phonics, we will be recapping the digraphs 'oo' and 'oa'.
In Maths, we are continuing to count in 5's and 10's as starters in our a maths sessions, then the children will be introduced to the idea of halving where they will use practical methods and resources to support where necessary.
The children will be continuing their Guided Reading sessions this week. The children will spend Friday morning completing a rotation of different activities in their class which range from guided reading, guided writing, independent reading & phonics activities.