We hope all the Reception children enjoyed the snow days last week!
It is back to business this week in Reception where we will be introducing our new literacy topic focused on the story 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!' by Lydia Monks.
It is back to business this week in Reception where we will be introducing our new literacy topic focused on the story 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!' by Lydia Monks.
In Literacy, the children will listen to 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!' discussing any new vocabulary and positional language that might not be familiar to the children. Each class will then work together to sequence the pictures of the story and have the opportunity to retell the story in their own words.
In Maths, we will be recapping the sessions missed last week due to the weather focused on positional language.
In Phonics, we will be recapping all the tricky words learnt so far, complete some sentence work where the children will be both reading and writing sentences, as well as introducing the new sound 'oi' towards the end of the week.
In topic, the children will be learning about Mother's Day and creating something a little special for all their Mummy's or Nanny's or Aunty's.