Sunday, 25 March 2018

Early Years focus 26.3.18

This week is the school's Literacy Week, and the theme is Fairy Tales. Throughout the week in Early Years, the children will be reading and enjoying a range of traditional tales including Jack and the Beanstalk, The Gingerbread Man, Little Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel.

The children will be taking part in a range of activities linked to each story and sharing time in both Nursery and Reception.

There will be opportunities for painting, creating, cooking, dancing, planting and hunting for characters hidden in the gardens and beyond!

The week will end with a Fairy tale dressing up day on Thursday. All children can come to school dressed as a character from a traditional tale. 

Monday, 19 March 2018

Nursery focus 19.3.18

This week in Nursery, we are continuing our theme of Fairy tales with the story Little Red Riding Hood.
The children will be painting pictures of the characters and learning about the moral of not talking to strangers and only going out with an adult.
The children will be re-enacting the story, singing songs and reading the story.

The children will also be exploring weight using scales and using the vocabulary heavy and light.

On Friday, we will walk to the bakers and buy our own cakes to share with our friends. We will use this opportunity to look at numbers and shapes around us.

Reception Weekly Focus 19.03.18

In Reception we will continue focusing on the story 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!' by Lydia Monks for the last week

In Literacy, the children will have the opportunity to hear the story once again, joining in with repeated phrases. The children will then think about what other animals/bugs they could use to recreate their own versions of the story.  

In Phonics, we will be learning the new trigraphs 'ear' and 'air' and recapping what a trigraph is with the children - a group of three letters that represent one sound.  

In Maths, we will be recapping subtraction. The children will have the chance to complete simple subtraction number sentences and write their own number sentences. We will continue to use a number line to help us find out the right answer and will ensure the children understand how to "jump" backwards on the number line when taking away. 

In topic, the children will get the chance listen to the Easter story in preparation for the Easter holidays coming up soon.  

Monday, 12 March 2018

Reception Weekly Focus 12.03.18

In Reception this week we will continue focusing on the story 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!' by Lydia Monks

In Literacy, the children will have the opportunity to learn some new and interesting facts about spiders. They will then write about what they have learnt applying their phonics knowledge.  

In Maths, we will be recapping addition. The children will have the chance to complete simple addition number sentences and write their own number sentences. We will also ensure they are familiar with a number line and understand how to "jump" forward on the number line when adding 2 numbers together. 

In Phonics, we will be learning the new digraphs 'ur' and 'er', and then introducing the new trigraph 'igh' to the children. A trigraph is when a group of three letter represent one sound. 

In topic, the children will get the chance to be creative and will make their very own spider webs by threading with a safety needle.     

Monday, 5 March 2018

Reception Weekly Focus 05.03.18

We hope all the Reception children enjoyed the snow days last week!

It is back to business this week in Reception where we will be introducing our new literacy topic focused on the story 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!' by Lydia Monks

In Literacy, the children will listen to 'Aaaarrgghh, Spider!' discussing any new vocabulary and positional language that might not be familiar to the children. Each class will then work together to sequence the pictures of the story and have the opportunity to retell the story in their own words. 

In Maths, we will be recapping the sessions missed last week due to the weather focused on positional language. 

In Phonics, we will be recapping all the tricky words learnt so far, complete some sentence work where the children will be both reading and writing sentences, as well as introducing the new sound 'oi' towards the end of the week. 

In topic, the children will be learning about Mother's Day and creating something a little special for all their Mummy's or Nanny's or Aunty's.     

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Nursery focus 5.3.18

This week in Nursery, we will be focussing on the special lady in our children's lives be that mum, nan, granny or auntie. They will be given the opportunity to talk about why that person is special and what we can do to say 'thank you.'

They will also be continuing to learn about numbers to 10 and counting, sorting and sequencing missing numbers.

We will also be looking at daffodils and the first signs of Spring, and creating pictures of daffodils using crayons, pastels and paints.

On Friday 9th March, we would like to invite all mums, nans and aunties into Nursery for a special surprise. In the morning, this will be at 11.15am and in the afternoon it will be at 3.15pm.