This week in Reception we will continue focusing on the Traditional Tale The Three Little Pigs as well as introduce the new story Mr Wolf's Pancakes.
In Literacy, the children will be acting out The Three Little Pigs story and retelling the story in their own words. The children will have the opportunity to explore and think about how the characters are feeling at certain points in the story.
In Maths, we will be introducing time to the children. They will be exploring the features of a clock and learning about "o'clock".
In Phonics, we will be introducing the digraphs 'ar' and the short & long 'oo'.
In topic, the children will be making pancakes in celebration of Shrove Tuesday which is during half term and during this the children will be discussing healthy eating: 1) What foods are healthy? 2) How do we look after ourselves? 3) Why do we need to keep fit and healthy?