Monday, 22 January 2018

Reception Weekly Focus 22.01.18

This week in Reception we will begin to focus on our next Traditional Tale 'The Three Little Pigs'.

In Literacy, we will be reading the new story and discussing key parts from it. The children will have the opportunity to sequence pictures from the story and discuss what kind of houses they would like to live in and why.

In Maths, we will be recapping 2d shapes and using these shapes to build our own houses.

In Phonics, we will be introducing the digraphs 'th' and 'ng'. The children will then be recapping all the recent digraphs learnt in phonics to consolidate this new knowledge.

In topic, the children will using the Purple Mash ICT programme to create their own pictures of 'The Three Little Pigs' houses. The children will also have the chance to discuss what being a good friend means and put their team skills to the test in a group activity following reading the story 'The Good Samaritan.' 