Monday, 6 March 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 6.3.17

This week in Nursery, we are starting our new topic 'The Gingerbread Man'.
The children will be listening to the story throughout the week and have the opportunity to re-enact the story in their play.
They children will be designing their own gingerbread man and will have the opportunity to make their own gingerbread man this week in the cookery room upstairs. The Leopards will make a gingerbread man on Wednesday, the Tigers will make them on Thursday and the Lions will make them on Friday.
We will be doing a lot more positional language with the children this week and counting out the right amount of buttons onto the gingerbread man from a large group.

**Next week we are hoping to take a trip to the local bakers and will be asking for parents helpers. More information to follow this week in regards to that.** 