Monday, 27 March 2017

Early Years focus 27.3.17

This week in Early Years and in Hacton is our annual Literacy Week. The children will be reading lots of Winnie the Witch stories and taking part in lots of activities linked to the theme.
The children will all be taking part in a range of activities with different adults throughout the Phase including making cakes for Winnie's birthday party, making witch hats, spiders, making wands and broomsticks and taking part in making potions.
On Tuesday, we have a special visit from Snakes Alive in which each class will have a 45 minutes workshop handling and learning about some amazing creatures.
On Friday, the children will dress up and take part in Winnie's birthday party in which they will play party games and enjoy some party food. 
All in all it should be an exciting Week 'Abracadabra' here we go!! 


Monday, 20 March 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 20.03.17

We have a busy week in Nursery this week as we are preparing for our show for the parents this Friday 24th March. On this day Morning Nursery will be open to parents from 11.00am and Afternoon Nursery will be open to parents from 3.00pm - I hope you are as excited as we are!

The children will also be getting ready for Mother's Day (there might be a surprise for Mum's at the end of this week) and the children will be learning a bit about baby farm animals this week. The children will also be sorting farm animals from other animals and re-focusing on positional language.

***We would like to thank again those parents and grandparents who helped out on our trip to the baker's last week - it was a great success and the children were so well behaved***


Sunday, 19 March 2017

Reception focus 20.3.17

This week in Reception we will be focussing on Mothers' Day. The children will be writing messages for their mums and creating pictures and paintings of her. 

In phonics we are focussing on the trigraphs air, ear and ure.

In Maths we will be focussing on subtraction, writing our own number sentences and using practical methods to work out how to subtract correctly.


Monday, 13 March 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 13.03.17

It is an exciting week in Nursery this week as the children will have the chance to make their own bread as well as go on their first real trip to the local bakers.
We are focusing on the story 'The Little Red Hen' and the children will listen to different versions of the story and have the opportunity to act it out and retell it in their own words.
We will also be reading a story called ' Where, Oh Where, is Rosie's Chick?' The children will be going on a mini adventure on Wednesday linked to this story!
We will also be touching on the fact it is St Patrick's Day on Friday with the children.

It is an action packed week!

***We are still looking for some parent volunteers for Thursday 16th March trip to the bakers - if you are interested, please sign up on the Parent Info Board in our foyer.*** 

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Reception focus 13.3.17

This week in Reception we will be continuing our theme of Cinderella. 
The children will be writing an invitation to one of their friends to invite them to our Fairy tale Ball which will be held on Friday. They will also be thinking about weddings, and how they are celebrated.

In phonics the children will be learning the digraphs ow, oi and ur.

In Maths, the children will be focussing on 3D shape and will be taking part in a group competition to build the best castle using found materials.

We are looking forward to our Ball on Friday and are especially excited to see the children come to school in their best clothes. 


Monday, 6 March 2017

Reception focus 6.3.17

Over the next two weeks we will be focussing on the story Cinderella. The children voted for this story as part of our ongoing process of teaching to the children's interests. 
During the next two weeks, the children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of creative activities, making props to support their role play. They will also create their own coat of arms, in which they will think about themselves as individuals and about their family, friends and hobbies they have.

In phonics we will be focussing on the digraphs oo, or and ar. 

In Maths we will be learning about time and reading an analogue clock to the hour. This will be linked with the story What's the time Mr. Wolf?

In Literacy,  we will be beginning a four week mini topic on the story Aaaaarrgghh Spider! By Lydia Monks. 


Nursery Focus W/C 6.3.17

This week in Nursery, we are starting our new topic 'The Gingerbread Man'.
The children will be listening to the story throughout the week and have the opportunity to re-enact the story in their play.
They children will be designing their own gingerbread man and will have the opportunity to make their own gingerbread man this week in the cookery room upstairs. The Leopards will make a gingerbread man on Wednesday, the Tigers will make them on Thursday and the Lions will make them on Friday.
We will be doing a lot more positional language with the children this week and counting out the right amount of buttons onto the gingerbread man from a large group.

**Next week we are hoping to take a trip to the local bakers and will be asking for parents helpers. More information to follow this week in regards to that.** 