Thursday, 7 December 2017

Reception Focus 11.12.17

This week in Reception we will be dressing up in our costumes and performing our Christmas play 'Here we go Around the Christmas Tree' to parents on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. We look forward to seeing you all then.

In Literacy, the children will continue writing their letters to Santa and will be posting them in our role play post office.

In Maths, we will be discussing weight. The children will be weighing a variety of different sized presents.

In phonics, we will be learning the new sounds 'v' and 'w'.

In Topic, we will be continuing with our Christmas theme.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Nursery focus: Week ending 1.12.17

This week in Nursery we have been thinking about Christmas and writing our letters to Father Christmas.
The children discussed what they knew about the celebration of Christmas giving their ideas within their key group. They then decided what they would like to have looking through catalogues and magazines and choosing some toys to stick onto their letter to Santa.

The children have also used different textures to make their own Christmas tree and this is now displayed in our corridor for all to see.

The children were also very excited to begin opening our advent calendar and also had a great amount of fun decorating our tree!

The Christmas celebrations are in full swing in Nursery!

Nursery focus: week ending 24.11.17

This week in Nursery we enjoyed everything 'Paw Patrol.'
The children all know the characters and watch this on the television, so we taught about dogs  and how to care for them; we looked at being a rescuer and the best way to save a dog stuck up the tree. Here, the children were taught how to use a winch and a rope to bring the dog safely down.
We also studied different ramps and investigated forces, exploring which cars travelled fastest down a ramp. The children discovered that the 'higher it is, the faster it goes.'

We also read the story 'Hairy Maclary' and looked at the different breeds of dogs. The children chose their favourite and gave reasons as why they liked that breed.

In our creative area, the children explored different colours and made pictures of Marshall and Chase.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Reception Focus 4.12.17

This week in Reception we will be continuing to practise our Christmas play ready for our dress rehearsal on Friday.

In Literacy, the children will be reading 'The Jolly Christmas Postman' and will be writing their own letters to Santa.

In Maths, we will be recapping money and will be working on correct number formation.

In Phonics, we will be learning the sounds 'j 'and c'k',

In Topic, we will be discussing how some people celebrate Christmas.


Friday, 24 November 2017

Reception Focus 27.11.17

This week in Reception we will be spending time in the hall practising our Christmas concert. The children are  now becoming increasingly confident when singing and will now be learning their class dances.
Our phonics focus this week is recalling all phonemes learnt so far and building up CVC words-reading and writing them correctly. We will also be learning the phonemes l, ff and ss.

In Maths, the focus will be on money. The children will be recognising and identifying different coins.

During our topic session, the children will be reading the nativity story.


Sunday, 19 November 2017

Nursery focus week ending 17.11.17

This past week in Nursery we have been focusing on Superheroes! 
The children experimented with mixing blue and yellow paint to make green to create their own paintings of The Incredible Hulk.

They made Superman badges and used tape to put them on their jumpers whilst role-playing being the man himself. They even had a go at forming the letter 'S' for Superman!

We used glitter and glue to create Spiderman's web and spent time dressing up and moving to the move themes of the best superheroes.

We read the story 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson and discussed what makes a superhero.

We completed the week with Children in Need and spoke about the superhero Pudsey Bear and how he saves young children who require extra help to keep healthy and happy. 
We reinforced the fact that they were in turn superheroes for helping Pudsey Bear and they all went away with a special certificate.

What a perfectly SUPER week!

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Nursery focus week ending 10.11.17

Last week in Nursery we learnt all about dinosaurs! 
The children created collages of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Stegosaurus using a range of materials and media.

They made their own shape dinosaurs and paper plate creations adding features such as horns, spikes and legs. The children were also learning about adjectives, describing dinosaurs using words such as long tail, sharp claws and big teeth

In Maths, the children were able to sort dinosaurs into different categories and count small ones into sets of 1 to 5. 

In P.E and music, the children moved liked dinosaurs and played instruments to some dinosaur songs including 'Walk the dinosaur' from Ice Age

We think the children had a ROAR SOME time in nursery! 

Friday, 17 November 2017

Reception Focus 20.11.17

This week in Reception we will be holding our Phonic workshops. This is a great opportunity for you to observe a phonics lesson taught in school, which will then enable you to support your child's learning further at home.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on either Monday or Tuesday.
Our phonics focus will be on reading and writing  CVC words. In addition, we will be learning the  phonemes 'b' and 'f'.

In Maths,this week we will be consolidating the children's learning on size and length. The children will be using rulers to measure objects. 

This week in Literacy, the children will be retelling the story 'Room on a Broom' by acting it out in groups.


Thursday, 9 November 2017

Reception Focus 13/11/17

This week the reception we are continuing with our 'Room on the Broom' topic. The children will be having lots of fun making their own magic potions in topic by taking part in a range of
 science experiences to explore colour mixing and other wonderful spells.  

 In literacy, the children will be writing recipes and lists of ingredients for their own magic potion.

Our phonics focus this week is recalling all of the phonemes learnt so far ensuring that they are all formed correctly. We will be building CVC words and learning how to read and write these. In addition, we will be learning the  phonemes 'u', 'r' and 'h'.

In Maths this week we will be continuing exploring size and length.


Sunday, 5 November 2017

Nursery focus 6.11.17

This week in Nursery we will be beginning our 'In the moment planning' with the children harnessing and teaching the children through their current interests. 
We will be spending lots of time playing with individual and groups of children and teaching them new skills in mark making, interacting and developing their social relationships as well as self help skills.

In group times, we will be leading circle times in which the children will be taking turns in a conversation and listening to each others' responses. 

We will also be reading some favourite stories including 'Room on the Broom'  and singing number rhymes including 'Five tall fireworks' and 'Five Fat sausages.' 

We will also look at poppies and talk about why we see these at this time of year. 

Friday, 3 November 2017

Reception Focus 6.11.17

This week the children will be continuing to read 'Room on a Broom'. In Literacy, the children will be retelling the story by sequencing the main events.

In Phonics, the children will be introduced to the new phonemes 'c', 'k' and 'e'.  We will be learning how to read and write them correctly.

In maths, we will be learning about size and length.  We will be measuring using non standard units and using the language longer than and shorter than.

In topic, the children will be discussing Remembrance day.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Reception Focus 30.10.17

This week in Reception the children will be reading 'Room on a Broom" by Julia Donaldson.

In Phonics, the children will be introduced to the new tricky words "to" and "into" and will be learning the new sound "o".

In maths, we will be exploring 2D shapes.  

In topic, the children will be learning about the celebration of Guy Fawkes Night. We will be discussing ways to keep safe during firework displays and creating some exciting artwork.
We will also be celebrating with hot chocolate and marshmallows around the fire pit.


Sunday, 15 October 2017

Nursery focus 16.10.17

We begin the week with Maths Monday, a whole school celebration of Maths and multiplication. In Nursery, we will be learning about numbers and shapes by counting objects, going on a treasure hunt and exploring shape when eating toast for snack.

During the rest of the week, we will be celebrating Kipper's birthday, by making a birthday cake in each group to share on Friday when the children come in dressed in their party clothes.
We will making invitations, making a party list and wrapping presents for the party and thinking about party games to play on Friday.

We will also go on a walk to the woods to enjoy the story 'The Owl Babies' in realistic surroundings.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Reception Focus 16.10.17

On Monday, we will be celebrating Maths Monday. This is a great opportunity for you to spend time with your child in their classrooms completing a range of mathematical activities which will be continued throughout the week in maths. This will help support and develop your child's maths skills and knowledge. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible from 8:45-9:30.

In Phonics,  we will be recapping all of the sounds learnt so far and will be introducing the next phonemes  "d" and "g".  We will be learning how to read and write them correctly.
The children will be learning the tricky word 'the'.

The children will also be given their first reading book and green word book with the first three words to learn.

In topic, we will be celebrating Diwali. The children will be making their own diva lamps out of clay.


Sunday, 8 October 2017

Nursery focus 9.10.17

This week in Nursery our focus is Autumn. 
We will going on an autumn walk around the school grounds exploring the woods at the bottom of the field and enjoying the story 'Owl Babies.' 
During the walk the children will be able to use the iPad to take photos and collect items they find on the ground to bring back and share together. 

In our carpet times we will be sharing stories together and looking at matching colours to their names and using props to create their own stories orally with their peers.

We will also be enjoying whole class music making time on Thursday and PE on Friday.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Reception Focus 9.10.17

This week in Reception, we will be continuing with our “Owl Babies” theme. In Literacy, we will be reading and sequencing the main events from the story.

In Phonics, we will be reinforcing the sounds learnt so far and we will now be introducing tricky words.

In maths, we will be continuing to recognise and order numbers.
In topic, we will be discussing harvest and why it is celebrated.


Sunday, 1 October 2017

Nursery focus 2.10.17

This week in Nursery, we will be focussing on the nursery rhyme 'Mary, Mary Quite Contrary'.

The children have already helped clear the planting tubs to make way for the spring bulbs which we will plant this week.

They will also explore bulbs, compost and can experiment using tools such as trowels, watering cans and forks.

They will also be painting pictures of flowers and recognising numerals and counting to 5.

The children will also take part in daily circle times sharing their "All About Me" books and placing their photograph of their family on our family tree. 

Friday, 29 September 2017

Reception Focus 2.10.17

This week in Reception, we will be reading ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. The children will be learning a new technique to paint pictures of their own owls.
In topic, we will be learning about diurnal and nocturnal animals and will be sorting these into sets.
In Maths, the children will be counting and ordering numbers.
In phonics, we will be reinforcing the first three sounds taught already as well as learning p, i and n.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Nursery focus 25.9.17

In nursery this week we will be learning some of our rules:

walking feet inside,
putting toys away before we move on to something else,
kind hands and feet,
to join in with key group times and begin to take turns in a conversation.

The children will be exploring all of the area inside and learning how to use them properly within their key groups. They will also be learning to pour their own drinks at snack time and wash up their cups afterwards.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Reception Focus W/C- 25/9/17

This week in Reception we are continuing our ‘All about me’ topic. We will be reading the book ‘You Choose’ and discussing the children’s likes and dislikes.

In topic, we will be celebrating some of the things that make us special and unique. The children will be painting their own self-portrait.

In maths, we will be continuing to count forwards and backwards to 10 and will begin counting sets of objects.

In phonics, we will be introducing the first three sounds- s, a and t, so the children will be bringing home their first piece of homework.



Sunday, 17 September 2017

Nursery focus 18.9.17

Welcome to all parents and carers of our new nursery children. This week your children will embark on their transition into nursery staying for short sessions before staying for either whole days or three hours. 

We aim to settle the children into their new setting by spending time with each individual child, playing, chatting and learning about them as well as nurturing their needs and requirements. We want our children in nursery to become happy and confident learners and to do this we will work with you, the parents to ensure that they get off to a good start!

Friday, 15 September 2017

Reception Focus W/C 18.9.17

Firstly, we would like to say a big warm welcome to all of our new reception pupils and parents/guardians.
Now the children are settled and learning the ropes of reception, we will begin focusing on our first topic ‘All About Me’.
In phonics, we will be playing some listening games and learning to take turns whilst sharing our ideas within a class discussion.
In maths, we will be reading and ordering numbers to 10 forwards and backwards.


Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 03.07.17

We are continuing with the children's interest again and sticking with the pirates topic!

The children will be listening to more stories about pirates during carpet time and group time. One story that I'm sure will be a hit is 'Ten Little Pirates' where we will interactively read this with the children as well.

The children will have the chance to hunt for the golden doubloon coins outside numbered 1-12 and will have the chance to order the doubloon coins correctly.

The children will have the chance to go on their very own treasure hunt as well where they will use a compass to figure out where the treasure is!

We are continuing Phonics Phase 2 and the phoneme of the week is 'p'. The children have already learnt about  the phoneme's 's', 'a' and 't' but these will be recapped throughout the week. The children will take part in a variety of activities to consolidate this initial phonics knowledge.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Reception focus 3.7.17

This week we are continuing our theme of 'By the seaside' linked to the story 'Billy's bucket.' 
The children will be using crayons and a wash of watercolour to create their own summer themed relief picture. They are also thinking about activities they enjoy in the summer time and how they are different to the winter time.

In phonics, the children are recapping digraphs, trigraphs and tricky words and applying these in their own independent work as well as writing sentences and captions to pictures.

In Maths, we are learning about capacity in practical activities using water. The children will be exploring independently and with adults, so please be warned the children may come home a little wet! Maths is fun and can be carried through at home in the bath or paddling pool. 


Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Reception fo us 26.6.17

For the next few weeks in Reception we will be focussing on the topic 'At the seaside.' We will be learning about what we can see and do at the seaside linking our activities to the story 'Billy's bucket.'   The children are also beginning their transition into Year One with a new routine and regular playtime with the Key Stage One children. 

In phonics the children are consolidating their knowledge of digraphs and trigraphs and their spelling of tricky words.

In Maths we are learning about halving and the practical exploration of sharing into two equal groups. 


Monday, 26 June 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 26.06.17

We are going with the children's interest this week and will be learning about Pirates!

The children will listen to a variety of Pirate stories during whole class carpet time and group time.

We have started Phonics Phase 2 and the phoneme of the week is 't'. The children have already learnt about  the phoneme's 's' and 'a' but these will be recapped throughout the week. The children will take part in a variety of activities to consolidate this initial phonics knowledge.

The children will also have the chance to make their very own Pirate Pizza on Thursday - discussing again healthy and non-healthy foods and deciding which toppings are healthy. We hope to create a healthy X marks the spot on our pizza's!

We will continue to watch the changes taking place for our class caterpillars as well!

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 19.06.17

We are continuing our topic on The Very Hungry Caterpillar this week.

The children will listen to the story and different mini-beast stories. They will continue to have the chance to create The Very Hungry Caterpillar using a variety of different media and materials as well as be introduced to patterns and start to create their own patterns this week.

We mixed things around last week and the children made their very own Very Hungry Caterpillar using tomato slices, cucumber slices, raisins and carrots so the children will make fruit skewers at the end of this week. They will  continue to talk about healthy and unhealthy food as well.

The children will continue to watch the changes that are taking place with our very own class caterpillars!


Reception focus 19.6.17

This week in Reception we will be continuing our focus of The very hungry caterpillar. The children are currently fascinated by the caterpillars in the classroom and are enjoying observing the changes each day in the caterpillar's growth. 

In our enhanced provision,  the children will be learning about a range of minibeasts and exploring their characteristics in different ways.

In phonics, the children are using all of the digraphs and trigraphs taught in words and sentences.

In Maths, we will be learning about doubling numbers and recalling them, for example 'double 1 is 2; double 2 is 4...' and so on.

Thursday is our Sports Day, so please ensure your child has a hat and a water bottle in school. 


Monday, 12 June 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 12.06.17

We are starting our topic on The Very Hungry Caterpillar this week.

The children will listen to the story lots this week and have the opportunity to watch the animated version.  They will have the chance to create The Very Hungry Caterpillar using a variety of different media and materials as well as be introduced to the terms symmetry and symmetrical where they will paint symmetrical butterflies by folding the paper.

The children will have a chance to make their own fruit skewers and talk about healthy and unhealthy food in their groups this week, following from what The Very Hungry Caterpillar ate in the story.

The children will also be investigating what mini-beasts they can find outside. We have some new arrivals in the classroom as well - 5 caterpillars! The children will watch these caterpillars grow and turn into butterflies over the next few weeks.


Sunday, 11 June 2017

Reception focus 12.6.17

For the next two weeks we will be focussing on the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The children will have the first hand experience of watching caterpillars grow and they will observe the life cycle From caterpillar to butterfly.
The children will be writing stories, book reviews and looking at non fiction books on mini beasts and writing facts about them.

In phonics we will be recapping digraphs taught and reading and writing these within sentences.

In Maths we will be focussing on symmetry and making and creating pictures and patterns using symmetry. 


Monday, 22 May 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 22.05.17

We are continuing our topic on Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy this week.

The children have enjoyed listening to a variety of Hairy Maclary stories and we will be reading those stories they have not heard yet. We will still be focusing on positional language this week, ensuring the children are confident with it and understand over, under, next to, on etc. and we will be doing some dog themed cooking towards the end of the week, which I'm sure the children will love!!

The children will also hopefully have the chance to meet a dog in our nursery setting. They will learn how to look after the dog and take the dog for a walk around the school grounds.


Sunday, 21 May 2017

Reception focus 22.5.17

This week in Reception we are concluding our topic on growth. The children are keeping a bean diary and caring for their growing broad bean plant. They will also be continuing to plant the tubs in the garden with seeds and beans to observe and look after.

In phonics the children are learning to spell and read tricky words and put these correctly into sentences.

In Maths, we will be looking at number formation to 20 ensuring children are forming all of the numerals correctly and also focussing on weight and using balances. We will be using the language heavy, light and heaviest and lightest. 


Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 15.05.17

We are starting a new topic in Nursery this week... Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy.

The children will have the opportunity to hear all the different Hairy Maclary stories at carpet time and group time throughout the week. They will become more familiar with the characters and the rhyming pattern that flows in the stories... Hercules Morse as big as a horse, Bitzer Maloney all skinny and boney etc.

We will be creating our own versions of the dog characters this week using a variety of media - paint, colouring pencil, collage and TUX paint on the computer/iPads.

We will also be learning about what a vet surgery is and have the chance to reenact a vet scenario in our new vet surgery role play area. We will even be hosting our very own dog show in the garden later on in the week going over positional language with the children again. We hope the children are ready for a busy week!

Monday, 15 May 2017

Reception focus 15.5.17

This week in Reception we are continuing our theme of growing as the children begin to take care of their magic bean. The children are being encouraged to look after their bean and water it when needed. 

In literacy, we are continuing our story The Bog Baby and will be story writing.

In Maths we are using number lines to help us add and subtract two numbers to find a total.

In phonics we are focussing on the digraphs ow and er as well as spelling tricky words. 


Monday, 8 May 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 8.05.17

Nursery have an exciting start to their week with an educational visit to Marsh Farm in South Woodham Ferrers!! We hope the children are as excited as we are and that they remember the rules about the trip that we went through last week :)

Following on from our farm visit, the children will continue on this theme for our final week and we will be linking more to The Three Little Pigs. The children will have the opportunity to create their own pig pictures using different media, such as using Purple Mash or TUX paint on the computer/iPads, using mud in their paintings and creating their own "blow" pictures this week.

We will be reading different versions of The Three Little Pigs and the children will have the chance to act out the story during group time. The children will also be thinking about what kind of house they would like to live in during circle time and organise clothes equally amongst the Three Little Pigs this week.

The children are really enjoyed completing the number hunts outside, so this will continue as well where the pigs and the big bad wolf will be hiding on numbers 1-12. 

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Reception focus 8.5.17

This week in Reception we will be continuing our growing theme by looking at the story of Jasper's Beanstalk. We will planting our own beans and discussing what beans and seeds need to grow. The children will take part in planting activities in the garden and using tools to care for things that already grow. 
The children will be thinking creatively about what might be at the top of their beanstalk and writing the beginnings of a story. 
In Maths, the children will be continuing to use non standard units to measure a range of objects, and in the garden will use runner beans as a unit of measurement. 

In phonics we are recapping the digraphs oa and oo.

In Maths we will concentrating on addition in a range of practical and formal contexts. 

In our literacy sessions we are still reading and enjoying the magic of The Bog Baby and will be thinking of a story about their own Bog Baby. 


Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 02.05.17

This week in Nursery the children will be learning all about farm animals in preparation for our trip  to Marsh Farm next Monday 8th May. They will learn about baby farm animals and have the chance to match the baby and mummy animal correctly this week. The children will also discuss trip safety within their group time.

We will be reading the stories "Mr Gumpy's Outing" by John Burningham, different versions of "The Three Little Pigs" and "Pig in the Pond" by Martin Waddell.

We will have a number hunt outside for the children to complete as Little Bo Peep will have lost all her sheep numbered 1-12 (the children must then find them).

Monday, 24 April 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 24.04.17

This week in Nursery the children will be learning all about the season of Spring. They will have the opportunity to go on a Spring walk, searching for signs of Spring and taking photos of these signs using the iPads. The children had the opportunity to see and handle baby chicks in our Nursery last week, and learnt about them. They were very engaged with the chicks and loved having them around.

We will be reading the stories "Handa's Hen" by Eileen Browne and "Six Little Chicks" by Jez Alborough. Both books lead nicely into our counting focus where we will be introducing the Numicon to the children and focusing on counting objects 1:1. Numicon builds an understanding of maths through a multi-sensory approach.


Sunday, 23 April 2017

Reception focus 24.4.17

This week in Reception we will be focussing on the season of Spring and all that happens around us in this wonderful couple of months. The children have already seen Spring chicks and handled them carefully. They will now go on a Spring walk around the local environment, looking for signs of spring all around them.
The children will also be learning about the artist Claude Monet and recreating one of his famous paintings The Poppy Field.'

In phonics the children will be recapping the digraphs ee, or, ai and ar and will write words and sentences using these sounds.

In Maths, we will be focussing on counting and placing numbers in order as well as identifying missing numbers within a number line. 


Monday, 27 March 2017

Early Years focus 27.3.17

This week in Early Years and in Hacton is our annual Literacy Week. The children will be reading lots of Winnie the Witch stories and taking part in lots of activities linked to the theme.
The children will all be taking part in a range of activities with different adults throughout the Phase including making cakes for Winnie's birthday party, making witch hats, spiders, making wands and broomsticks and taking part in making potions.
On Tuesday, we have a special visit from Snakes Alive in which each class will have a 45 minutes workshop handling and learning about some amazing creatures.
On Friday, the children will dress up and take part in Winnie's birthday party in which they will play party games and enjoy some party food. 
All in all it should be an exciting Week 'Abracadabra' here we go!! 


Monday, 20 March 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 20.03.17

We have a busy week in Nursery this week as we are preparing for our show for the parents this Friday 24th March. On this day Morning Nursery will be open to parents from 11.00am and Afternoon Nursery will be open to parents from 3.00pm - I hope you are as excited as we are!

The children will also be getting ready for Mother's Day (there might be a surprise for Mum's at the end of this week) and the children will be learning a bit about baby farm animals this week. The children will also be sorting farm animals from other animals and re-focusing on positional language.

***We would like to thank again those parents and grandparents who helped out on our trip to the baker's last week - it was a great success and the children were so well behaved***


Sunday, 19 March 2017

Reception focus 20.3.17

This week in Reception we will be focussing on Mothers' Day. The children will be writing messages for their mums and creating pictures and paintings of her. 

In phonics we are focussing on the trigraphs air, ear and ure.

In Maths we will be focussing on subtraction, writing our own number sentences and using practical methods to work out how to subtract correctly.


Monday, 13 March 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 13.03.17

It is an exciting week in Nursery this week as the children will have the chance to make their own bread as well as go on their first real trip to the local bakers.
We are focusing on the story 'The Little Red Hen' and the children will listen to different versions of the story and have the opportunity to act it out and retell it in their own words.
We will also be reading a story called ' Where, Oh Where, is Rosie's Chick?' The children will be going on a mini adventure on Wednesday linked to this story!
We will also be touching on the fact it is St Patrick's Day on Friday with the children.

It is an action packed week!

***We are still looking for some parent volunteers for Thursday 16th March trip to the bakers - if you are interested, please sign up on the Parent Info Board in our foyer.*** 

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Reception focus 13.3.17

This week in Reception we will be continuing our theme of Cinderella. 
The children will be writing an invitation to one of their friends to invite them to our Fairy tale Ball which will be held on Friday. They will also be thinking about weddings, and how they are celebrated.

In phonics the children will be learning the digraphs ow, oi and ur.

In Maths, the children will be focussing on 3D shape and will be taking part in a group competition to build the best castle using found materials.

We are looking forward to our Ball on Friday and are especially excited to see the children come to school in their best clothes. 


Monday, 6 March 2017

Reception focus 6.3.17

Over the next two weeks we will be focussing on the story Cinderella. The children voted for this story as part of our ongoing process of teaching to the children's interests. 
During the next two weeks, the children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of creative activities, making props to support their role play. They will also create their own coat of arms, in which they will think about themselves as individuals and about their family, friends and hobbies they have.

In phonics we will be focussing on the digraphs oo, or and ar. 

In Maths we will be learning about time and reading an analogue clock to the hour. This will be linked with the story What's the time Mr. Wolf?

In Literacy,  we will be beginning a four week mini topic on the story Aaaaarrgghh Spider! By Lydia Monks. 


Nursery Focus W/C 6.3.17

This week in Nursery, we are starting our new topic 'The Gingerbread Man'.
The children will be listening to the story throughout the week and have the opportunity to re-enact the story in their play.
They children will be designing their own gingerbread man and will have the opportunity to make their own gingerbread man this week in the cookery room upstairs. The Leopards will make a gingerbread man on Wednesday, the Tigers will make them on Thursday and the Lions will make them on Friday.
We will be doing a lot more positional language with the children this week and counting out the right amount of buttons onto the gingerbread man from a large group.

**Next week we are hoping to take a trip to the local bakers and will be asking for parents helpers. More information to follow this week in regards to that.** 

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 27.02.17

This week in Nursery, we are continuing our topic 'Goldilocks & the Three Bears'. 
The children had the opportunity to re-enact the story in group time last week which was videoed so the children will have the chance to watch their performances throughout the week. 
We will be focusing on size this week and sorting objects according to big, medium & small. We will also be packing for Daddy Bears and Baby Bears holiday, so the children must sort what is needed correctly.
The children will also have the chance to celebrate Pancake Day! We will be reading Mr Wolf's Pancakes and the children will be using the cookery room on the 1st floor of our new school to cook pancakes in key groups! They will have a variety of toppings to choose from to go on their pancakes!

Reception focus 27.217

This week in Reception we will be continuing our theme of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children will be writing about their troll using descriptive vobaulary and creating their own role play based on the story.

Alongside this theme, we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday. The children will work in groups to mix and make pancakes and then enjoy them with a range of toppings. During this activity, the children will discuss healthy and unhealthy options and sort foods according to these types. 

In phonics we will be learning the digraphs 'oa' and the short sound 'oo'. 

In Maths we will be thinking about size and ordering items by size and using the correct vocabulary.


Sunday, 19 February 2017

Nursery Focus W/C 20.02.17

This week in Nursery, we are starting our new topic 'Goldilocks & the Three Bears'. 
The children will be listening to the story throughout the week and have the opportunity to re-enact the story in their own play and during group time. 
The children will be learning a little bit about bears and be painting their own pictures of bears and Goldilocks herself. 
We will be counting bears with the children re-enforcing numbers 1-10, counting 1:1 and comparing size of bears. 
The children will get the chance to taste porridge this week as well during snack time, as well as explore porridge when it is dry and when it is wet in our messy play area outside - prepare for some mess!

Reception focus 20.2.17

Over the next two weeks we will be focussing on the traditional tale The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children will be learning the characters, and the sequence of the story as well as focussing on the troll. We will be looking at different trolls and the children will have a go at designing their own troll on paper before copying their design using the iPad. 

In phonics we will be concentrating on reading, writing and spelling tricky words.

In Maths we will be continuing to learn and work with numerals to 20 and adding amounts together in practical and written contexts. 


Monday, 6 February 2017

Reception focus 6.2.17

This week in Reception we are continuing our theme of The Three Little Pigs.
We will be acting out the story using masks, and creating artwork using a range of techniques.

We will also be concentrating on the importance of kindness, and will be reinforcing how to be kind to others. We will be rewarding kindness with a certificate each day to a child in each class who has displayed kindness to their peers.

In phonics, we will be teaching the digraphs ai, ee and the trigraph igh. 

In Maths we will be focussing on the concept of addition and subtraction and writing number sentences. 
