Monday, 14 March 2016

Reception Focus W/C 14/03/16

This week in Reception our theme is Easter. The children will learn about why we celebrate Easter and everyone will have the opportunity to make an Easter card for someone special. The children voted on Friday afternoon for which card design they wanted to make out of a choice of  four.  

Throughout the week there will be lots of different activities linked to our theme going on. These include cooking an Easter biscuit and decorating it, exploring the texture of hard boiled eggs in our messy play and making hot cross buns out of play dough. The children are being asked today in our Newsletter to bring in a hard boiled egg for the second half of this week. They will have the chance to decorate it, look after it, create a nest for it if they wish and then there will be an egg rolling competition.

In phonics the focus will be on the digraphs or, ur, and ow and placing these in words and sentences.

In maths we will be focussing on taking away and writing simple subtraction number sentences.
