Monday, 30 April 2018

Reception Weekly Focus 30.04.18

In Reception this week we will start our new topic focused on the story Bog Babies by Jeanne Willis.  

In Literacy, the children will have the opportunity to hear the new story Bog Babies. They will have the chance to discuss with their talk partners what they think a Bog Baby looks like before being introduced to the story. 

In Phonics, we will be recapping the digraphs we revisited last week qu, ch, sh, th, ng ai 

In Maths, we will be counting in 10's with the children as well as recapping 2d & 3d shapes and talking about their properties.   

In Topic, the children will learn about different habitats and actually get a chance to make their very own Bog Baby with salt dough!! 

The children will be starting their Guided Reading sessions this week as well. They will spend Wednesday morning completing a rotation of different activities in their class which range from guided reading, guided writing, independent reading & phonics activities. 

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Nursery focus 30.418 - 11.5.18

Our focus in Nursery continues to be life cycles. The children have been fascinated by the growth of the caterpillars and, now that they are in chrysalis form, this will lead into discussion and artwork and stories on life cycles.

We have introduced the eggs to the class and they are patiently waiting for them to hatch with the help of our interactive calendar.

In Maths we will be drawing sets of objects and writing numerals 1, 2 and 3.
In phonics we are continuing to listen and distinguish between different sounds and focus our attention to hearing and talking about the different sounds of objects.

The zebra group will be introduced to the sound 't' and will identify objects beginning with this sound as well as have a go at writing it. 

Monday, 23 April 2018

Reception Weekly Focus 23.04.18

In Reception this week we will be continuing focusing on the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar' written by Eric Carle

In Literacy, the children will have the opportunity to hear the story once again and following sequencing the pictures last week, the children will write their own version of the story. 

In Phonics, we will be recapping all previous sounds starting by focusing on the digraphs qu, ch, sh, th, ng ai 

In Maths, we will continue to discuss different patterns and be introduced to symmetry. The children will learn what this means and create their own symmetrical butterfly pictures this week.   

In topic, the children will continue to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly and discuss the changes that the classroom caterpillars are currently going through!! 

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Nursery weekly focus 23.4.18

This week in Nursery, we will be planning to children's interests with our chosen focussed pupils. 
We will also be looking at and learning about the life cycle of a chick, as we have a very special delivery of 10 eggs from Wellgate Farm.
The tadpoles have been put in the garden in a 'pond' and our caterpillars are growing well. 
Therefore, life cycles are the topic for the next few weeks as the children observe and talk about the changes they see each day.

In Maths, the children will be sharing objects with their friends so that they each get an equal amount. Phonics will also continue in our key groups.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Reception Weekly Focus 16.04.18

Welcome to the Summer Term! Hopefully we will see some warm weather finally. 

In Reception this week we will be continuing with our mini beasts topic, focusing on the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar' written by Eric Carle

In Literacy, the children will have the opportunity to hear the story and sequence the pictures in the correct order.

In Phonics, we will be recapping all previous sounds learnt including those tricky trigraphs and all the digraphs the children learnt last term.  

In Maths, we will be investigating patterns. The children will get a chance to discuss different patterns and begin to make their own patterns.  

In topic, the children will be learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly and theywill get a chance to welcome some new class arrivals which arrive on Wednesday - caterpillars!! 

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Nursery focus 16.4.18

Welcome to the summer term, let's hope we see some sunshine!

This week in Nursery, we will be looking for and identifying signs of Spring around us. We will go on a Spring walk around the school grounds and take photographs of what we see. We will discuss the importance of looking at flowers and resisting the urge to pick them.

The children will be counting pennies in Maths and making amounts to 10. They will also begin Phase One phonics: listening to and identifying a range of sounds and describing them using their growing vocabulary. They will do this in small groups led by the key workers.