Monday, 30 October 2017

Reception Focus 30.10.17

This week in Reception the children will be reading 'Room on a Broom" by Julia Donaldson.

In Phonics, the children will be introduced to the new tricky words "to" and "into" and will be learning the new sound "o".

In maths, we will be exploring 2D shapes.  

In topic, the children will be learning about the celebration of Guy Fawkes Night. We will be discussing ways to keep safe during firework displays and creating some exciting artwork.
We will also be celebrating with hot chocolate and marshmallows around the fire pit.


Sunday, 15 October 2017

Nursery focus 16.10.17

We begin the week with Maths Monday, a whole school celebration of Maths and multiplication. In Nursery, we will be learning about numbers and shapes by counting objects, going on a treasure hunt and exploring shape when eating toast for snack.

During the rest of the week, we will be celebrating Kipper's birthday, by making a birthday cake in each group to share on Friday when the children come in dressed in their party clothes.
We will making invitations, making a party list and wrapping presents for the party and thinking about party games to play on Friday.

We will also go on a walk to the woods to enjoy the story 'The Owl Babies' in realistic surroundings.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Reception Focus 16.10.17

On Monday, we will be celebrating Maths Monday. This is a great opportunity for you to spend time with your child in their classrooms completing a range of mathematical activities which will be continued throughout the week in maths. This will help support and develop your child's maths skills and knowledge. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible from 8:45-9:30.

In Phonics,  we will be recapping all of the sounds learnt so far and will be introducing the next phonemes  "d" and "g".  We will be learning how to read and write them correctly.
The children will be learning the tricky word 'the'.

The children will also be given their first reading book and green word book with the first three words to learn.

In topic, we will be celebrating Diwali. The children will be making their own diva lamps out of clay.


Sunday, 8 October 2017

Nursery focus 9.10.17

This week in Nursery our focus is Autumn. 
We will going on an autumn walk around the school grounds exploring the woods at the bottom of the field and enjoying the story 'Owl Babies.' 
During the walk the children will be able to use the iPad to take photos and collect items they find on the ground to bring back and share together. 

In our carpet times we will be sharing stories together and looking at matching colours to their names and using props to create their own stories orally with their peers.

We will also be enjoying whole class music making time on Thursday and PE on Friday.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Reception Focus 9.10.17

This week in Reception, we will be continuing with our “Owl Babies” theme. In Literacy, we will be reading and sequencing the main events from the story.

In Phonics, we will be reinforcing the sounds learnt so far and we will now be introducing tricky words.

In maths, we will be continuing to recognise and order numbers.
In topic, we will be discussing harvest and why it is celebrated.


Sunday, 1 October 2017

Nursery focus 2.10.17

This week in Nursery, we will be focussing on the nursery rhyme 'Mary, Mary Quite Contrary'.

The children have already helped clear the planting tubs to make way for the spring bulbs which we will plant this week.

They will also explore bulbs, compost and can experiment using tools such as trowels, watering cans and forks.

They will also be painting pictures of flowers and recognising numerals and counting to 5.

The children will also take part in daily circle times sharing their "All About Me" books and placing their photograph of their family on our family tree.