Friday, 29 September 2017

Reception Focus 2.10.17

This week in Reception, we will be reading ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. The children will be learning a new technique to paint pictures of their own owls.
In topic, we will be learning about diurnal and nocturnal animals and will be sorting these into sets.
In Maths, the children will be counting and ordering numbers.
In phonics, we will be reinforcing the first three sounds taught already as well as learning p, i and n.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Nursery focus 25.9.17

In nursery this week we will be learning some of our rules:

walking feet inside,
putting toys away before we move on to something else,
kind hands and feet,
to join in with key group times and begin to take turns in a conversation.

The children will be exploring all of the area inside and learning how to use them properly within their key groups. They will also be learning to pour their own drinks at snack time and wash up their cups afterwards.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Reception Focus W/C- 25/9/17

This week in Reception we are continuing our ‘All about me’ topic. We will be reading the book ‘You Choose’ and discussing the children’s likes and dislikes.

In topic, we will be celebrating some of the things that make us special and unique. The children will be painting their own self-portrait.

In maths, we will be continuing to count forwards and backwards to 10 and will begin counting sets of objects.

In phonics, we will be introducing the first three sounds- s, a and t, so the children will be bringing home their first piece of homework.



Sunday, 17 September 2017

Nursery focus 18.9.17

Welcome to all parents and carers of our new nursery children. This week your children will embark on their transition into nursery staying for short sessions before staying for either whole days or three hours. 

We aim to settle the children into their new setting by spending time with each individual child, playing, chatting and learning about them as well as nurturing their needs and requirements. We want our children in nursery to become happy and confident learners and to do this we will work with you, the parents to ensure that they get off to a good start!

Friday, 15 September 2017

Reception Focus W/C 18.9.17

Firstly, we would like to say a big warm welcome to all of our new reception pupils and parents/guardians.
Now the children are settled and learning the ropes of reception, we will begin focusing on our first topic ‘All About Me’.
In phonics, we will be playing some listening games and learning to take turns whilst sharing our ideas within a class discussion.
In maths, we will be reading and ordering numbers to 10 forwards and backwards.
