Sunday, 27 November 2016

Reception focus 28.11.16

This week in Reception we will be dressing up in our costumes and performing our Christmas play 'Whoops a Daisy Angel' to some of the children in our school and to some parents on Friday. 
The children will be introduced to the Christmas story and be asked to recall some of the main characters within the story.

In phonics we will be learning the phonemes 'h' and 'b' and writing them within words and short sentences.

In Maths we will be focusing on naming and recognising 3D shapes.


Monday, 21 November 2016

Reception focus 21.11.16

For the next two weeks we will be spending time perfecting our Christmas play in the hall. The children are becoming more confident in singing aloud to the music and signing using British Sign Language.

Our phonics focus this week is recalling all phonemes learnt so far and building CVC words reading and writing them correctly. We will also be learning the phonemes 'u'  and 'r'.

In Maths we will be measuring using non standard units and using the language longer than and shorter than.


Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Reception focus 14.11.16

This week in Reception we are continuing our theme of All About Me. The children will be sorting objects that a baby and child needs as well as discussing the changes that occur as they grow up.

In phonics the children will be learning the sound 'ck' and 'e'. 
The children will also be given their first reading book and green word book with the first three words to learn.

In Maths we are learning to write our numbers to 10 and to make sets of a given number.


Monday, 7 November 2016

Nursery Focus W/C 7.11.16

This week in Nursery, we will continue to focus on fireworks. The children loved making edible sparklers using bread sticks, melted chocolate and sprinkles last week so we are continuing the cooking theme by getting the children to make their own firework fairy cake. The will also have the chance to create a firework splatter painting and use the ICT programme 'Purple Mash' to create their own firework picture on the interactive whiteboard.
We will be introducing basic 2d shapes to the children as well: circle, triangle, rectangle and square. The children will be making shape pictures and learning a couple of shape songs throughout the week. 


Sunday, 6 November 2016

Reception focus 7.11.16

This week in Reception, we will be beginning our topic All About Me. We will begin with a special visit from a baby and their mother, so giving the children first hand experience of discussing what a baby needs and looking at how they change as they grow older. The children will then sequence pictures of different stages of human growth and also sort objects a baby might need compared to a child. The children will have the opportunity to care for babies in the role play and wash and dress them in the Messy Play area.

In Maths, the children will be learning how to partition groups of 5 and learn how to write an addition number sentence.

In phonics, the children will be learning the next three sounds g, o, c and learning how to read and write them correctly.

Parents, don't forget that the second phonics workshop is on Wednesday 9th November at 9.15am in the Small Hall.
