Sunday, 30 October 2016

Reception focus - 31.10.16

This week in Reception the children will be learning about the celebrations of Diwali and Guy Fawkes Night. They will learning about the characters within each story and the moral behind each celebration, as well as creating some exciting art work. 
We will also be celebrating with hot chocolate and marshmallows around the fire pit on Friday. 
In phonics the children will be recapping sounds already taught and segmenting and blending to read words.
In Maths the children will be learning to count in 10s and order numerals to 20.

Parents, don't forget the Phonics Workshop is on Friday 4th November at 2.15pm in the Small Hall.


Sunday, 16 October 2016

Reception focus - 17.10.16 - Science Week

This week at a Hacton is Science Week to help raise the profile of investigations and explorations. 
In the Early Years we will be focussing on the theme of Weather and Seasons. The children will be partaking in a wide range of explorations with all of the adults in Early Years and making shaving foam rain clouds, a tornado in a bottle, as well as going on an Autumn Walk around the school grounds and planting some bulbs for the new school garden. 

In addition, the children will be learning about repeating patterns in Maths and consolidating sounds learnt so far in phonics. We will be building words and learning to segment and blend them to read and write simple CVC words. 

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Reception focus 10.10.16

This week in Reception we will be focussing on phonics and 2D shape.
The children will be going on a Shape Hunt around the school identifying 2D shapes they find within the environment. They will be investigating shape through their play in a range of ways including making shape pictures, models and digging for them in the sand pit.
In phonics we will be reinforcing the first three sounds taught already as well as learning p, i, and n. In P.E the children will be learning about positional language and applying it whilst using apparatus.  Reception-Weekly-Focus

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Reception begin phonics

The children have begun their formal phonics sessions this week. Today the children learnt the letter 's'. They thought about what begins with the sound, learnt the Jolly Phonics song and made their first attempt at writing the letter. 
Here are a few pictures of Zebra class hard at work. 
What a fabulous start to writing. 

Monday, 3 October 2016

Reception focus 3.10.16

This week in Reception we are continuing our theme of 'Elmer' and reading a range of stories together. The children will be exploring colour mixing on a large and small scale, and also learning to group a set of objects to 5 and then 10.
We will be introducing phonics this week learning the first three sounds s, a and t, so children will be bringing home their first pieces of homework. 